The Pacific Society for Reproductive Health is committed to practicing good governance and fostering transparency in all its activities. We strive to uphold ethical standards and accountability in support of our mission to improve reproductive health across the Pacific.

Please click on the documents in the table for more information.

The PSRH Trust Deed is the foundational document guiding the governance, structure, and operations of the Pacific Society for Reproductive Health. It establishes the roles and responsibilities of Trustees, outlines the organisation’s aims and objectives, and provides a framework for ensuring compliance with New Zealand’s legal and charitable requirements.

The Pacific Society for Reproductive Health (PSRH) is committed to fostering a culture of integrity, respect, and professionalism in all its activities. This Code of Conduct outlines the ethical principles and behavioural expectations for all individuals associated with PSRH, including Board members, staff, volunteers, and members.

PSRH acknowledges the importance of maintaining impartiality in decision-making. All Trustees, staff, and volunteers are required to disclose any conflicts of interest, actual or perceived, that may impact their ability to act in the best interests of the organisation. Measures will be taken to manage or resolve such conflicts in compliance with the Trust Deed.

Aligned with the Trust’s objectives, PSRH is dedicated to safeguarding children and young people involved in its programmes or activities. The Trust implements protocols and adheres to legal standards to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children.

PSRH encourages stakeholders to report unethical or illegal conduct. The organisation is committed to ensuring that such reports are treated confidentially and that whistleblowers are protected from retaliation, in line with the principles of accountability and transparency.

PSRH ensures the responsible management of all funds, with oversight by the Trustees. Financial reports are prepared and presented to members during the Biennial General Meeting (BGM). Where deemed appropriate, the Trust Board may arrange for accounts to be audited or reviewed by a qualified accountant to ensure transparency and accountability, in compliance with New Zealand Charities Commission standards.

The Trust provides an accessible process for addressing grievances and complaints from members, stakeholders, or the community. The policy ensures impartial investigation and resolution, consistent with the principles of fairness and natural justice outlined in the Trust Deed.

PSRH respects the privacy of its members and stakeholders. The organisation collects and manages personal information in accordance with relevant privacy laws, ensuring confidentiality and secure data handling.

PSRH upholds its obligations under the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF’s International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, along with subsequent resolutions. We do not accept advertising, sponsorship, or affiliations with organisations that fail to comply with the WHO Code. All sponsors must sign a declaration confirming their adherence to and support for the Code’s principles.

The Pacific Society for Reproductive Health (PSRH) advocates for respectful and safe workplaces for all reproductive healthcare workers across the Pacific, including midwives, doctors, and community health providers.

Bullying, harassment, or discrimination has no place in healthcare. PSRH emphasises the importance of supportive workplace cultures that prioritise staff wellbeing and enable the best outcomes for women and their babies.

We call on all members to foster respect, care, and kindness in daily interactions, recognising that a positive workplace environment benefits both staff and the communities we serve.

Image Disclaimer
The images featured on this website are used with appropriate permissions. Some images have been provided by PSRH members, while others have been sourced from PSRH’s official social media platforms, licensed photographers, royalty-free collections, or publicly available sources. PSRH upholds strict ethical standards, including our Child Protection Policy . If you have any concerns regarding the use of images on this website, please contact us at